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Recent Work
Loba ibéricoAlhambra StadiumBlank SpaceAlhambraSnowy Egret on a ropeGreat EgretMove alongI'm out of hereChop SticksWaveSnowy Egret

Guestbook for Latest Work
Ryan R(non-registered)
I'm not sure how I stumbled upon your site, but your work just made my day. Inspirational, thank you.
Ed Minard(non-registered)
Ross, Outstanding photography. I truly enjoyed visiting your website.
CHRIS COSGRIFF(non-registered)
Truly inspirational and capturing full attention to the observer. Beyond words.
Scott Williams(non-registered)
Great job on the website Ross and the image selection is well composed.

Keep up the good work and perhaps we can get out and shoot together soon.


Scott Williams
Jim C(non-registered)
Stunning, great stuff.
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